
How to Lend Your NFT with Collateral on WeRent

Securely lend your NFTs on WeRent with our collateralized lending option. Set a collateral for added security and peace of mind, ensuring your assets are protected while earning passive income. Simple, safe, and straightforward.

Step 1: Connect Your Wallet

  • Open WeRent and connect your digital wallet.

  • Choose the blockchain network your NFT is on: Polygon, BSC, Ethereum, or Klaytn.

Step 2: Navigate to the Lend Page

  • With your wallet connected, proceed to the "Lend" section on the WeRent platform.

Step 3: Select Your NFT for Lending

  • From the displayed collection in your wallet, pick the NFT you want to lend.

Step 4: Specify Lending Details

  • Select Category: Choose the appropriate category for your NFT.

  • Rent Duration: Set the maximum time your NFT can be rented.

  • Currency: Decide if you want to receive your rental fee in the native currency or USDT.

  • Daily Rent Fee: Determine the daily rental fee for using your NFT.

Set the Collateral Amount

Checklist & input the collateral amount required for renting your NFT. This acts as a security deposit to ensure the safe return of your asset.

Step 6: Lend Your NFT

  • After setting the collateral and rental terms, click on "Lend NFT" to list your NFT for rent.

  • You will be prompted to approve the transaction in your wallet, which incurs a gas fee dependent on the network you're using.

Final Step: Approve the Transaction

  • Review and confirm the transaction details in your wallet to finalize the lending process.

  • Upon confirmation, your NFT will be listed as available for rent on WeRent, with the specified collateral requirement in place.

Last updated